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mars 2004
Join the International Campaign against setting up Shari’a court in Canada !

To : All progressive organizations

On October 21st 2003, Muslim leaders in Canada elected 30 member council to establish a judicial tribunal for Muslims known as " the Islamic Institute of Civic Justice". The move is designed to persuade Canadian court to uphold decisions made under the Muslim Law.

The International Campaign for the Defense of Women’s Rights in Iran is running an International Campaign against this new move in Canada.

We strongly believe that this move is anti women’s move and will push back women in the society in general. In the past 20 years, women’s rights have been increasingly under attack by the Islamic governments and groups. Women are subject to abuse for disobeying social Islamic standards. Daily degradation of women, prohibition from many forms of employment, field of study and sports, sexual segregation in buses, schools and public places, Stoning to death of women or murdering them for sexual relations outside marriage, acid-throwing in the faces of women, and flogging for transgressing Islamic laws for improper behavior have been imposed on women under Islamic influence not only in countries such as Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan but also in Western countries.

The women’s rights movement has fought this reactionary movement and many paid a price in doing so. . As part of this radical movement, we believe that all people who live in Canada are citizens with equal rights, and should live according to same social laws and norms. We do not divide society into cultural, religious, national and racial majorities and minorities. We stand for equal and universal laws and freedoms for all humanity, which should embrace all, irrespective of sex, race, ethnicity, etc.

We now are calling on all individuals and progressive organizations to oppose the proposed tribunal for legal recognition of settlements according to Shari’a. This proposal is anti-freedom, anti-women, misogynist and anti-modernism and is strongly racist.

We therefore have the following demands :

 Religion to be declared private affair of the individual. And complete separation of religion from education for children under the age 16.

 Prohibition of violent and inhuman religious ceremonies, practice and any form of religious activities that is incompatible with people’s civil rights and liberties and the principle of the equality of all.

 Prohibition of teaching religions subjects and dogmas or religions interpretation in schools and educational establishments or in general any law and regulation that breaches the principle of secular non- religious

By signing this petition, you defend the universal rights of human beings. Your support will strengthen the radical movement for secularism..

The Join the International Campaign against setting up Shari’a court in Canada Petition to Media in Canada and USA was created by the International Campaign for the Defense of women’s Rights in Iran and written by Homa Arjomand

 Sign here :http://www.petitiononline.com/pasc1361

En ligne sur Sisyphe, le 20 mars 2004

VOIR EN LIGNE : International Campaing Against Shari’a Court in Canada

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