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mercredi 6 juin 2007
Appel à l’ONU contre le gouvernement du Bangladesh qui empêche la rapporteure spéciale sur la traite de sortir de son pays

La Coalition contre la Traite des Femmes (CATW) soutient l’appel de l’Organisation UN Watch (voir plus bas), appelant le Secrétaire Général Ban Ki Moon, et le président du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme de l’ONU, d’engager des actions à l’encontre du gouvernement du Bangladesh, s’il persiste à empêcher la Rapporteure spéciale sur la traite de l’ONU, de sortir de son pays afin de présenter son rapport la semaine prochaine lors de la 5ème session du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme. Cette entrave du gouvernement du Bangladesh - membre par ailleurs du nouveau Conseil des Droits de l’Homme - est une violation du droit international relatif à la liberté d’expression et de mouvement.

Malka Marcovich
Directrice pour l’Europe de la Coalition contre la
Traite des Femmes (CATW)
06 86 81 62 44

Communiqué de UN Watch

Bangladesh Must Release UN Expert or Face Suspension From Human Rights Council

Geneva, June 6, 2007 — UN Watch called on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the head of the Human Rights Council to take action against the Bangladeshi government’s harassment of UN human rights expert Sigma Huda, who was refused exit from the country on the grounds of being a "security risk for Bangladesh as she may give statements detrimental to this Government." A leading Bangladeshi human rights advocate, Huda is the UN Special Rapporteur on the trafficking of persons and was scheduled to speak at next week’s session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Bangladesh is governed by an army-backed interim administration that took power in January, imposed a state of emergency, and called off elections scheduled for later that month. Both Ms. Huda and her husband, a minister in the previous government, have also been slapped with criminal charges of corruption as part of a government crackdown targeting more than a dozen political figures.

UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer today issued the following statement :

By preventing UN expert Sigma Huda from leaving the country, the government of Bangladesh is in violation of her internationally-protected right to freedom of movement and expression. Bangladesh has no right to deny a UN expert—or any citizen—her right to leave on the basis that “she may give statements detrimental” to it.

As a member not only of the United Nations but also of the Human Rights Council, the world body’s highest human rights forum, Bangladesh is obligated “to uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights [and to] fully cooperate with the Council.” Restricting the right to travel and attempting to muzzle free speech rights, seemingly for political reasons, of a citizen who is also one of the Council’s human rights experts blatantly violates both of these requirements.

Before the Council session opens this Monday, UN Watch urges UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Council President Luis Alfonso De Alba and the leaders of the Council’s Asian and Islamic groups, of which Bangladesh is a member, to press the government of Bangladesh to comply immediately with its international obligations and lift its restrictions against Ms. Huda. If Bangladesh refuses to do so, the ultimate sanction against a Council member—removal by the General Assembly—should be pursued.

UN Watch is a Geneva-based human rights organization founded in 1993 to monitor UN compliance with the principles of its Charter. It is accredited as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and as an Associate NGO to the UN Department of Public Information.

Source : Site de UN Watch.

Mis en ligne sur Sisyphe, le 6 juin 2007

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