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lundi 1er août 2005
International Demonstration against Sharia Court in Canada : September 8

September 8th, Second Annual

International Demonstration against Sharia Court in Canada

It has been a year since the International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada, called for a day of protest, nationally and internationally, against faith based courts in Ontario. The protestors wanted the Ontario to remove family law from the 1991 Arbitration Act.

The Campaign worked hard to inform the general public and the ministries in charge about the high risks of permitting Sharia courts in Ontario. Unfortunately, despite all the warnings, the government of Ontario has not taken a clear position to prevent the interference of religious institutions in the judicial system.

We call upon all concerned individuals and progressive organizations to join us in opposing the Ontario Arbitration Act 1991 which allows religion to
interfere in the Canadian judicial system. This Act allows family law disputes to be resolved outside the law courts by arbitrators according to their own
religious and cultural beliefs. This act allows Islamic groups to legalize the suppression of women by implementing the proposed Sharia Court.

Join us ! Together, let us raise our collective voice for progressive change ! We can and must make a difference !

Time : 12:00-2:00 PM

Toronto : Queen’s Park, Ontario Legislature
Contact Homa Arjomand - 416-737-9500

Ottawa : Parliament
Contact Soheila Bayat

Vancouver : 800 Hornbi (in front of Family Court) downtown
Contact Zari Asli, 604-727-8986

Victoria : Parliament
Contact, Abass Mohammdadi at vicc22@hotmail.com

Montreal : detail will be posted soon

Waterloo : 100 Rittenhouse Dr. Kitchener
Contact, Heidy Schmidt at 518-291-5480 time, 7:00-9:00 PM

England : London, Canadian High Commission, 38
Grosvenor Street, London, (Bond Street Tube)
Contact, Sohaila Sharifi at sohailasharifi@yahoo.co.uk

Germany : In front of Canadia Embassy,
Contact Mina Ahadi, at minaAhadi@aol.com

Sweden : stokholm, In front of Canadia Embassy,
Contact, Mahin Alipoor at mahin_alipour@yahoo.se

Holland : CANADA Ambassador, Sophialaan 7, 2514 JP
`S-Gravenhage, (DENHAAG)
Contact, Sorosh Ebrahimi, at 0031-(0) 61324331

France : Canadian Embassy 35 avenue Montaigne 75008,
Paris Call : Michèle Vianès
06 10 39 94 87 or michelevianes@chello.fr


Homa Arjomand : homawpi@rogers.com

Mis en ligne sur Sisyphe, le 19 août 2005.

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