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lundi 15 mai 2006
Elaine Audet : Celestine and the Magical Geranium, by Barbara Sala

First I fell in love with the acrylic and oil paintings of Barbara Sala, while visiting the Musée d’art naïf of Magog. I stumbled upon these whimsical and poetic Chagall like paintings and their exuberant colors. What a fertile imagination ! What adorable people and animal characters ! All in all, the images cheered me up and I felt proud to belong to the human race. Something, that doesn’t occur very often these days.

Then, I discovered Celestine and the Magical Geranium, a fairy tale for the young at heart, aged five to one hundred and beyond. Written in simple words and short sentences and accompanied by 21 sparkling illustrations.

This is a love story between Celestine and her geranium flower and their mutual expression of tenderness and joy. Celestine waters the flower, while Geranium nourishes her soul. With ongoing loving care, Geranium cannot stop growing and soon grows through the roof of the house. Worried, that the stem might break, Celestine pleads with Geranium to stop growing, telling her that she doesn’t have to touch the sky in order to be unique. She reminds Geranium of the great joy she brings her. Geranium asks Celestine not to ask her to stop growing and Celestine who loves Geranium so dearly, respects Geranium’s wish for freedom.

Not content in simply growing, Geranium builds a marvellous castle among her petals. This attracts the attention of a multitude of careless visitors, who rip her leaves and bend her stem. When Geranium finally withers and dies, Celestine is broken hearted. But, in the seeds left behind by Geranium, Celestine finds her beloved friend in each new flower. Those who had been careless with her, learn to take care and respect the growth of their very own geranium. They also learn that they cannot own her beauty, but that they can let this beauty nourish their soul. “Seeds give us flowers and flowers give us seeds” thinks Celestine and becomes happy again. Her flower will always be next to her and will bring happiness to generations to come.

This text contains uplifting spiritual concepts of the cycle of life and death and the links between them. Enhanced by the vivid illustrations and the enchanting nature scenes, this tale will fascinate children and feed their imagination.

Barbara Sala is as unique as her geranium. I hope her talent is truly recognized and appreciated and her creative spirit never surrenders to the commercialism of our times. I await impatiently her next story, and I invite all of you to once again view the world through the eyes of a child and to fly on the coloured wings of tenderness, poetry and of love with Barbara Sala.

Born in 1937 in Darmstadt, Germany, she grew up in the Bavarian Alps. In 1974 she emigrated to Canada, after having lived in Switzerland, England, Thailand, Congo, Dominican Republic and Guyana. Since 1987 she has participated in more than 40 group exhibitions and 8 solo exhibitions in Quebec, USA, France, Switzerland and Tunisia. Her work has been recognized with three prizes in Quebec.

Read Elaine Audet review’s french version.

The book can be pruchased directly by sending your cheque + your name and address at :

Éditions Sisyphe
4005, rue des Érables
Montréal, Qc
H2K 3V7
Tél. : (514) 374-5846

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Célestine and the Magic Geranime, is also available for C$ 21.00 ; euros 18.00 ; US 22.00, in english or french at :
Trafford Publishing,
Suite 6 E, 2333 Government Street,
Victoria, B.C., V8T 4P4.
Téléphone : (250) 383-6864
Télécopieur : (250) 383-6804

On Sisyphe, May 24th, 2006.

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