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dimanche 11 mars 2007
Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization

The Canadian International Development Agency - International Development Research Centre - Carleton University - University of Ottawa

School Year 2007-2008

Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization

The Institute of Women’s Studies (University of Ottawa) and the Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s Studies (Carleton University), with the support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), are pleased to launch the fourth and last year of a research programme on feminist perspectives on globalization. This four-year (2004-2008) programme offers highly qualified researchers working on issues of globalization from a feminist perspective, from developing countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the South Pacific, the opportunity to spend a research term in Ottawa based at one of the two universities. The Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization will contribute to gender and development research at both universities and provide a unique opportunity for collaboration between feminist scholars in Canada and the developing world and between North and South. The Institutes of Women’s Studies will alternate in welcoming one visiting scholar per year.

Applications are invited for the 2007-2008 Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization to be based at the Institute of Women’s Studies at the University of Ottawa. (In 2007-2008, the Visiting Scholar will be based at the University of Ottawa Institute of Women’s Studies.) The position is open to scholars from developing countries (both tenured and untenured faculty, as well as from post-doctoral or independent scholars) who are pursuing critical feminist research.

Applicants must be fluent in French, have a completed PhD, a record of scholarly publications, and a current and established research project in relation to one or more of the research fields listed below. Individuals currently pursuing a university doctoral degree are not eligible.

Specific areas of interest can include one of the following : agriculture, basic education, child protection, health and nutrition, HIV/Aids, information and communication technologies (ICTs), human rights, democratization and good governance, conflict and peacebuilding, private sector development, infrastructure services (capacity building), social and economic equity, or environment and natural resource management.

During their stay in Canada, the Visiting Scholar will pursue and present their ongoing research in conferences and seminars as requested, participate in outreach activities, and produce a paper based on their ongoing research which reflects their time and work in Canada. It is anticipated that this research will promote policy advocacy and/or further gender and development studies and the effective integration of gender equality in development policy and programming.

The duration of the Visiting Scholar’s stay will be a six (6) month period within the university’s 2007-2008 academic year, which runs from September 2007 to April 2008. The recipient will receive a generous stipend to cover travel, research and living expenses (including medical insurance coverage). The successful applicant will have access to library services, a shared phone and computer facilities.

Applications may be submitted in French or English, and must include : an abbreviated curriculum vitae (10-12 pp.) ; a letter of intent outlining the research to be undertaken in Canada (max. 2 pp.) ; a list of recent publications ; availability during the 2007-2008 academic year ; and the names and addresses (postal and e-mail) of two referees. Please forward applications to : Selection Committee, Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization, c/o Hélène Boudreault, Institute of Women’s Studies, University of Ottawa, 143 Séraphin-Marion, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6 ; Telephone (613) 520-6644 ; Fax (613) 562-5994 ; email hboudre@uottawa.ca.

The closing date for submitting applications is April 13, 2007 (application dossiers received after this date will not be examined). Selection will be completed by May 15, 2007. Please note that only the short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Candidates may access the following websites for additional information about the Institutes of Women’s Studies at the University of Ottawa and at Carleton University.


Hélène Boudreault, Administrator/adjointe
Joint Chair in Women’s Studies/Chaire conjointe en études des femmes
University of /Université d’Ottawa & Carleton University
Tél : 613-520-6644
Fax : 613-562-5994

On Sisyphe, March 13, 2007

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